Through your partnership, this generation is being radically changed by Jesus.
They are discovering what it means to love their neighbours, apply Scripture to all of life and embrace values that engage culture.
Through your partnership, this generation is being radically changed by Jesus.
They are discovering what it means to love their neighbours, apply Scripture to all of life and embrace values that engage culture.
We are reassured when we hear stories of how God has used Pioneer Camp to bless and strengthen people, even in the limited ways we have been able to serve this year. We are committed to offering strong programs through retreats and summer camp in 2021. We need your financial help, your prayers and your encouragement now more than ever.
There has never been a time when we have relied so heavily on the generosity of our community to carry us through, but that season is here. If you are able, would you make a year-end donation to help Pioneer through this difficult time?
At Camp
In Highschool
On Campus
Transitioning to the Workforce

New Boys Camp Dining Hall
Since 1929 Boys Camp has been a dedicated space for boys to play, grow in leadership, enjoy the outdoors and draw closer to God. Help this valuable and powerful ministry remain strong into the future by giving to this project.
We are reassured when we hear stories of how God has used Pioneer Camp to bless and strengthen people, even in the limited ways we have been able to serve this year. We are committed to offering strong programs through retreats and summer camp in 2021. We need your financial help, your prayers and your encouragement now more than ever.
There has never been a time when we have relied so heavily on the generosity of our community to carry us through, but that season is here. If you are able, would you make a year-end donation to help Pioneer through this difficult time?
Camp is a place of fun and outdoor adventure
Every day at camp, kids and teens get to:
Have amazing adventure and develop social skills
Dive into God’s word with supportive and encouraging friends and leaders
Receive mentoring from experienced, older staff
Be their authentic, silly selves
Explore God’s creation
Challenge themselves with new activities

Pioneer Camp helps campers, students and young adults discover the hope that Jesus offers in every aspect of their lives.
Pioneer Camp helps campers, students and young adults discover the hope that Jesus offers in every aspect of their lives.
“Our sons have matured in their faith as independent, compassionate young men… Pioneer Camp has played an important role in their development.”
Camper parent
“They come home from camp glowing, filled with stories, excitement and wonder. It is shaping their character.”
Camper parent
“I came home from summer not only wanting to be a better man, but a more committed follower of Jesus.”
Former camper
Other Ways to Give
Stocks & Securities
Make a gift of publicly-traded securities
Planned Giving
Leave behind a lasting legacy in your will
Give a non-monetary gift
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