Camp FAQ
Here are some frequently asked questions about summer camp.
Still have questions? Contact us at 1-800-361-2267 and we will be happy to help.
Life at Camp
Adventure Camp Typical Schedule
- 7:30 AM Wake Up & Optional Morning Dip
- 8:30 AM Breakfast
- 9:30 AM Bible Adventure (Worship & Bible Study)
- 10:40 AM Skill One
- 11:40 AM Skill Two
- 12:45 PM Lunch
- 1:30 PM Ultra-Quiet Time (Rest/Time with Your Chalet)
- 2:30 PM Town Council/Tuck Time
- 3:00 PM Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA)
- 4:00 PM Free Swim, Boats Out – Waterfront Activities (FSBO)
- 5:00 PM Chalet Clean-Up
- 5:30 PM Dinner
- 6:30 PM Evening Program
- 7:30 PM Discovery Bedtime
- 8:00 PM Blaze Bedtime (Discovery Lights Out)
- 8:30 PM Explorer Bedtime (Blaze Lights Out)
- 9:00 PM Explorer Lights Out
Girls Camp Typical Schedule
- 7:45 Wake up
- 8:00 Morning Swim (optional)
- 8:30 Breakfast
- 9:20 Worship and Bible Study
- 10:30 Skill Choice One
- 11:40 Skill Choice Two
- 12:50 Lunch
- 1:30 Siesta
- 2:30 Skill Choice Three
- 3:40 Water and Land Activity Options
- 5:15 Chalet Devotional Time
- 5:45 Dinner
- 6:30 Section Time/Wide Game/Choose Your Adventure
- 8:00 Evening Program/Campfire
- 9:30 Snack and Get Ready for Bed
- 10:30 Bedtime (varies with age of campers)
Boys Camp Typical Schedule
- 7:30 am Wake Up
- 7:45 am Morning Swim (optional)
- 8:30 am Breakfast
- 9:20 am Bible Study
- 10:20 am Skill Choice One
- 11:30 am Skill Choice Two
- 12:45 pm Lunch
- 2:00 pm Choose Your Own Adventure!
- 3:00 pm Skill Choice Three
- 4:00 pm Swimming & Boating & Free Time
- 5:00 pm Personal Devotions
- 5:45 pm Dinner
- 6:30 pm Sectional (Activity with age group)
- 7:30 pm Camp Wide Game
- 9:00 pm Evening Worship
- 9:30 pm Snack & Preparation for bed
- 10:30pm Bedtime (may vary slightly based on age of camper)

Our campers and staff love our chalets! Imagine the frame of a cabin – a wood floor, shingled roof and built-in wooden bunks with mattresses. Add the vinyl sides of a tent that open for fresh air and views of the lake and you’ve got a chalet. These structures offer a unique experience of comfort and stability together with the opportunity to be close to nature. All campers sleep in these structures, except our youngest campers (five and six year olds) and some of our teen campers (Leaders In Training). Chalets are clustered in groups also called “Sections” or “Villages” to enhance community.
What to Bring
- Please label all clothing and luggage with labels or indelible markers.
- Please attempt to bring modest clothing appropriate for physical camp activities.
- Cell phones (we have a no cell phone policy, including using it for music, alarm clock or camera, please bring separate camera if you want to take photos)
- All other electronic games, players, entertainment and communication devices (i.e. ipods, ipads, etc.)
- Knives
- Valuables (i.e. jewelry)
- Alcoholic beverages or narcotics
- Other expensive or potentially harmful items
Please note that the use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, or narcotics is prohibited and will be treated as a serious offense. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
Money for the store is put into the camper’s ‘wallet’ when you register. We suggest $30 for 1 week of camp or $25 per week for longer stays. Unused money will be refunded through the online account. We ask that campers do not keep money or debit cards with them in their accommodation.
Arrival and Departure Days
With one-week sessions on every site, there is increased flexibility where campers can stay for one, two or more weeks, back to back or spread out throughout the summer – whatever works best for your family! There is a Visitor’s Day option on the Saturdays that we run a Stayover Program. These dates are: July 13, July 27 and August 10. (The LIT program will have a different schedule.) There are two options for visiting:
- Parents can come and pick up their child on Saturday morning, go into town for laundry, lunch or explore Muskoka for the afternoon. You then have the option to bring your camper back to camp and they will join our stayover program until the new session starts on Sunday afternoon.
- Parents can pick up their campers up on Saturday and return for Registration on Sunday at 1:30.
- Picnic at High Falls
- Visit the Nutty Chocolatier and shop downtown
- Walk the new trail around Fairy lake in Huntsville. Hunter’s Bay Trail
- Laundromats: Fabricare
- Santa’s Village
Communication during Camp
Our Caring Staff
Health and Safety
Due to the structure of our program, Pioneer Camp requests that medications required throughout the year be sent with your child to camp. All medication brought to camp MUST be checked in to the nursing staff including prescription medications, vitamins, puffers and Tylenol. We require that all camper medications (prescription and vitamins) must arrive blister packed for safe and easy dispensing for our medical team. If you arrive to camp without the medication blister-packed, you will be asked to go to a local pharmacy and get it done there. Please speak with your pharmacist to request this service. If you want your child to carry their puffer or epipen with them please bring a fanny pack for that purpose. We also request that a second puffer or epipen be checked in with the camp nurse.
Please do not use the week of camp as a break from medication.
All medications left behind after camp will be disposed of after two weeks.
Details regarding medical/behavioral concerns are to be communicated in writing. Please call to discuss any concerns/special needs by phone.