Summer Newsletter
“I’m at camp because I love camp!”
Meredith Fisher is one of hundreds of young adults serving at our camps this summer. We asked her what compelled her to sign on for both spring crew and summer staff at Pioneer.
Q: Tell us a bit about yourself. What do you do when you aren’t working at camp?
Meredith: I live in St. Thomas, Ontario. From 2017-2021 I studied at Nipissing University, where I was part of InterVarsity’s campus fellowship. This past year was my first year not being in school and as I adjusted, I was able to find different volunteering and work such as tutoring, supply teaching, and working as a receptionist. I also spent time with my family, friends, and found some new hobbies as I discerned what’s next. Later this year I’ll go on a 10-month mission trip.
Q: Why did you decide to spend your spring and summer at camp
Meredith: I decided to spend my spring and summer at camp because… well… I love camp! I grew up going to a camp near St. Thomas, and last summer was my first summer at Pioneer. I was BLOWN AWAY by how present the Gospel is here. Every day, Jesus is integrated into so many aspects of camp — morning meetings, Bible study, worship, devotions (not to mention the worship night and testimonies we have through the week). It has been so good being in an environment like Pioneer Camp, an open space for kids to ask any and all questions about God!
Q: How did you work through the decision when there might have been other, higher paying and maybe less demanding jobs you could have done this summer?
Meredith: It took me a long time to figure out if I was coming to Pioneer Camp this spring and summer. Originally, I was going to be out of country, but when plans shifted, a good friend of mine convinced me that 1) I love camp, and 2) I’m free in the summer. So, I decided I should go back! It’s tricky not to be at home this summer since it’s a lot easier to get things ready for my upcoming trip while at home, but the Lord so far has orchestrated that all beautifully, as things have been coming together for my trip while I’ve been at camp. I figured getting Pioneer Camp ready for campers was a big task, so when I decided to come back for the summer, I knew I wanted to come help prepare camp in the spring. It’s been awesome to know we were getting camp ready for so many people to learn more about Jesus.
Q: How did you work through the decision when there might have been other, higher paying and maybe less demanding jobs you could have done this summer?
Meredith: It took me a long time to figure out if I was coming to Pioneer Camp this spring and summer. Originally, I was going to be out of country, but when plans shifted, a good friend of mine convinced me that 1) I love camp, and 2) I’m free in the summer. So, I decided I should go back! It’s tricky not to be at home this summer since it’s a lot easier to get things ready for my upcoming trip while at home, but the Lord so far has orchestrated that all beautifully, as things have been coming together for my trip while I’ve been at camp. I figured getting Pioneer Camp ready for campers was a big task, so when I decided to come back for the summer, I knew I wanted to come help prepare camp in the spring. It’s been awesome to know we were getting camp ready for so many people to learn more about Jesus.
Q: What did you enjoy most about being part of spring crew?
Meredith: One of the coolest things about spring crew is that I learned how to shingle a roof! I helped de-shingle and shingle around 15 chalet roofs. I can now comfortably use a nail gun, staple gun, and a skill saw to replace plywood, flashing, and shingles — none of which I had done before Spring Crew! I also really enjoyed getting to be up at camp and see a bit more of what camp looks like before summer, and to hang out with people, plan stuff for the summer, and enjoy the beautiful surroundings!
Q: What is your summer camp role?
Meredith: This summer I will be the Girls Camp Program Coordinator. I (along with some awesomely creative program team members) am in charge of deciding the theme for each week, games, decorations, campfires, and other fun! The themes at Girls Camp this summer are Pirates, CLUE (like the board game), Around the World, and Disney Kingdoms
Q: What most excites you?
Meredith: Campers learning more about God! It’s seriously AMAZING, how much God is talked about at camp. Leaders and campers learn new things, and ask new questions about God. Last summer, alone, I saw campers ask hard questions, grow in curiosity, grow in their already existing faith, AND receive Christ’s sacrifice and have their sins forgiven. Woa! I am also really excited for campfires; I love camp songs and silly skits! I’m also really excited to see what Pioneer Camp looks like in a ‘normal summer’. Last summer I had a blast and that was a modified version of camp due to Covid, so I can’t wait to see some more of the awesome things we get to do at camp.
Q: How can we pray for you – and all our summer staff?
Meredith: I would say energy; that we would all look to the source of energy and life for our energy and wisdom. The other day I was reminded of Matthew 14:13-23 where Jesus goes to be in solitude with the Father, but removes Himself from this to have compassion and heal the sick. Not only that but he then feeds the 5000, and THEN He is finally able to be alone in prayer. This reminds me so much of chalet leaders who are constantly investing in the campers in an energy intensive ministry. Prayer for them as they seek the Lord, and run on His strength. Also, pray for not too much rain. It’s annoying to plan around the weather for programming.
If you are in the Muskoka area this summer, please stop by. We’d love show you the progress on the new Boys Camp Dining Hall, chat over a cup of coffee or simply sit on the dock and listen to campers together.
If you’d like a tour of the Boys Camp Dining Hall project, email Calvin Bennett.

General Director Search
Although we have conducted several interviews, we’ve yet to find the right person to serve as Pioneer Ontario’s next General Director. Please continue to share our job profile with people in your networks and pray with us for God’s leading.

We’re Thankful For:
- Strong camper registration numbers
- A committed and enthusiastic Year-round team
- Amazing volunteers and supporters
- A cook for Adventure Camp
- Progress on the Boys Camp Dining Hall

We’re Asking God For:
- More medical volunteers for summer camp
- The right person for our next General Director
- A safe and spiritually rich summer.
- Increased financial resources

Your Gifts Make a Difference!
As we continue to re-establish Pioneer Camp after two difficult Pandemic years, we can really use your financial help. To make a donation, CLICK HERE.
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